Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Fasting........I'm f
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Testimonies - This i
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Carpe Diem! The Ener
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Bassel & Kathy Just
Friday, September 25, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I have a black and o
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
This Jacket needed i
Sweat!!! uughhhhughh
Saturday, August 29, 2009
We live, breathe, sw
So right now....this
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
was feeling a lttle
Squating and taking
Friday, August 14, 2009
If you can't tell, t
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Eating a cup and a h
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Neal Anderson! Thank
Ran out of gas exiti
Monday, July 13, 2009
Hip Hop Dancing in m
Pre - Prep your Food
My Mom is modeling l
The chicken gets ind
My Mom is in Love wi
I was checking Plant
So I'm down at the P
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
To find out more abo
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Just finished. Doing
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Woke up this morning
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I'm back in the Game Restoring Integrity!
Hello Everyone. It's a beautiflul Sunday Morning. It's 8:00. I just had an orange. Now I'm eating My cup of oatmeal with a small portion of cashew butter wth truvia ( Natural sweetener) derived from the stevia plant. As you can tell A video hasn't been posted for everyday now for the next 90 days as I promised. The Impact on you as the reader/ watcher would feel that I'm not reliable, I'm not a man of my word, and I'm not someone who you can count on. The Impact on me is that it leaves me feeling disempowered, It leaves me feeling overwhelmed, and I feel that I want to make everyone happy but I wouldn't be able to take care of myself if I did.
The possibility I want to create is that I will upload videos ( Not one a day) at least 2 a month. I will be more intentional on Blogging and Sharing photos. I want to create a better snese of listening. Listening has been an attribute that I've lately been really working so hard on mastering. When I am in tune with someone's listening, then the help I have for them will be priceless.
A big area of my life I have come to realize is the value of relationships. When you build a relationship, it is something that can be a part of you for the rest of your life. I strongly value my realtionships with everyone that I come into contact with. Some are not as strong as others. I am constantly in tune with the impact I leave on people, and the impact they leave with me. When I communicate this, I feel that the other person understands me, from there I can create a possibility of synergy.
There's a family photo from my brother's Highschool graduation 4 years ago. That's my Mom on the left. I love her to death! She's a huge inspiration in my life and I'm finally realizing her dream. Her dream was to marry my father and move from Brazil to the United Stated so she could give my brother and I a better life. This is an amazing dream to have. She has been making sure we use every resource we have to do whatever it takes to have SUCCESS hit us in the face!
She doesn't see the value yet I'm my providing to the community transforming the lives of people by Mind Body and Spirit. She wants me to go back to school, get a degree, and work for a big company and get a "Nice Salary".Isn't that what the average person does? Don't get me wrong, that is perfectly fine for someone to do. It just isn't my path. I will win many fitness competitions. I will be in Magazines. Fadi Malouf and I are set on transforming the lives of 20,000 + by 2015. That's a huge goal, and we will reach it! We are going to write a book. And we will be a consatant giving source of Inspiration and Motivation to others.
So I will contune on my path. Mom I promise you I will take care of you and Dad. You will not have to worry about a thing anymore! I'm here for you! Your son will help you live a beautiful future traveling the world and doing the things you've "Fantasized" about.
I recently just started modeling. I'm very excited! Crysti you are an extraordinary woman. I just want to thank you for everything you do in this life. All of your responsibilities, and the suit of Being so Courageous & Strong is what I admire you for. You stand in the face of anything doing whatever it takes to make life the way you want it happen. You are a unique individual and I am blessed by God to have been able to meet you and share this life with you. Thank you : - )
Friday, March 13, 2009
Workout Playground - (Always being updated!)
3/11/09 - Medium reps - Legs & Calves
So I started the day off by completing 50 fast bodyweight squats.Then I went on to the Smith Machine .(Similar to this, Here's a pic.)
This is what I did.
Smith Machine Squat - Set 1 - 10 Reps @ 135lbs.
Set 2 - 5 Reps @ 185lbs.
Set 3 - 5 Reps @ 225lbs.
Set 4 - 5 Reps @ 275lbs.
Set 5 - 5 Reps @ 315lbs. (Had a spot on the last few.)
Set 6 - 5 Reps @ 335lbs. ( Spot all the way through!)
Barbell DeadLifts - Set 1 - 10 Reps @ 135lbs
Set 2 - 10 Reps @ 185lbs
Set 3 - 10 Reps @ 205lbs.
Barbell Lunges - (I was stronger than ever on these today! I'm stoked!) -
Set 1 - 10 reps @135lbs.
Set 2 - 10 reps @155lbs.
Set 3 - 10 reps @ 175lbs.
Calves - (Some Machine Squat that I modified and stood in it backwards for calves) ( I'd have to show you) Set 1 - 4: 45's on each side 30 reps each calf, then 20 each.
Set 2 - Same then additional 10 each side
Set 3 - 5: 45's each side. 20, 10, 10
Result: My legs have been the most sore this year! Great workout! All about change baby!
1/24/09 - Strength Training - Shoulders & Triceps
I sat in the sauna for about 5 minutes, mentally preparing myself for an awesome workout. I did a few tricep stretches and hamstrings. That leg workout rocked my legs yesterday! I’m pumped up full of energy and ready to rock this thing out!
- Warm up - 5 minute intense jump rope -
2 minute 1 foot alternating single jumps, double jumps & double crosses
5 more minutes - handstand walks as far as I could down the gym. Everyone’s watching me. I’m grabbing the attention because I’m obviously the one standing out.
I hadn’t done some rotor cuff exercises in a while. When I’m prepared to do shoulders, I’ll pay some extra special attention to those cuffs.
A couple years back I seriously jacked up my right rotator cuff. I though I needed surgery! For months I couldn’t lift heavy weight over my head with my shoulders or chest. I was miserable. I found out I had improper technique on the lifts with chest presses. And I found out as my chest and shoulders become stronger, my rotator cuff weakens. Needless to say now I’m stronger than ever. What doesn’t break me only makes me stronger.
- 5 minutes on rotator cuff strengthening - 20 circles left & right w/ 10 lbs each arm. 15 small circles left & right each arm. 15 inner/ outer cable pulls, left & right arm. 15 vertical right angle arm bends each side.
Ok, now onto the workout.
The Famous Fadi Special
—- 6 —- 4 —- 2 —-
First set 6, second set 4, last set 2. Same for every exercise.
One arm shoulder press ( standing) 3 sets (1 arm)
35 lbs, 55 lbs, 75 lbs —> That last one was a struggle, especially my left arm, it needs more work.
Side Delt raises - 3sets
15 lbs, 25 lbs. Attempted 35 lbs. elbows were not high enough so I dropped down to 30’s. I did one correctly, Then dropped down to 25’s and cranked out a couple good ones. Then went down to 20’s for a few more. Nice Pump.
In between the sets of side delt raises I went to the Squat rack. Hung from the bar, and rocked out some windshield wipers. Man, in my book of tricks, that is the hardest exercise to to to date. I did 5 nice ones each side. Then I did 5 half ones each side with a twist.
Rear Delt raises - 3 sets
15 lbs, 25 lbs, 35 lbs
Next I went on to dips. This was awesome. I’ve been incorporating heavy lifting now and performed dips with the most weight ever! I was grunting pretty loud to rip these out.
Dips - Heavy Weight - 3 sets
Set 1 - 35 lbs, 6 reps / Set 2 - 55 lbs, 4 reps / Set 3 - 80 lbs, 2 reps —– MORE SIZE? LIFT THE WEIGHT!
Overhead Tricep Ext. on the bench lieing down.
45 lbs. 55lbs 75 lbs. (6, 4, 2 style)
After the last rep I would dish out a nice negative as slow as possible, real nice burn.
In between these I was doing this exercise where I spread my legs out wide, drop my hands down in line with my feet, body weight on the triceps, slowly bringing my legs up in the air like a split…..Bringing my feet together and pushing up into a handstand. Got the attention of some big strength lifters in the gym. They loved that stuff. It works. I’ll post pics on how to do it later.
Last but not least.
-Upside down pushups till failure - Followed by 20 hanging lower leg raises followed by narrow hand tricep pushups till failure. 2 rounds each.
While walking out I ran into Ivan. I hadn’t seen him in a good while. He’s about to turn 50. I’m going to get him in the best shape of his life. He doesn’t know it yet. But he’s going to have a beach body after working out with me. That I promise. I guarantee results. When you train with me, you will have the body you always wanted.
1/23/09 - Strength Training - Heavy Leg Routine.
-After every set as a bonus we do Handstand walks.
100 Seated Leg Presses @ 90 pounds.
5 sets of 5. Squats.
135lbs. 185lbs. 225lbs. 275lbs. 315 lbs.
5 sets of 5. Lunges
95 lbs. 135 lbs. 155 lbs. 155lbs. 155 lbs.
3 sets of 5. 1 legged Squats.
For all leg exercises, make sure you have a spotter. You can be in a tight spot in a heartbeat!
To finish off, perform alot of handstand walks! Do them untill Failure
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I will be the person people can admire and look up to.
It's Thursday March 12th 2009 4:33 P.M. I'm currently just rendered a video for a very special person.
I want to be a source of inspiration for everyone. If I can do it, anyone can. I'm no different from anyone else. I just utilize what God has given me to it's full potential!
I spoke with one of my clients Finn Smith. Today we talked about life and how he got to where he is. He is a successful person in the constructive industry and has a few companies. It was being blessed by God, surrounded by the right people at the right time, and his drive that got him to where he is at.
I respect him for that. It made me feel a lot better about what I have been doing. I'm striving to be my absolute very best. I don't have everything I want in life, but I know I'm on the right path to achieving those goals. I thank God today for giving me the ability to create a gift no one could ever give except for me. It's my unique twist that I put on things that makes it special.
There's a big Event at YourDay in SandySprings tonight. I'm looking forward to it. The people down there are amazing. Day Adeogba is an amazing leader. He has lot's of talent and is helping me achieve my goals. I give him much thanks.
Checkout who Day is here -->>
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
My Core Values
It's 6:18 P.M. and I'm wrapping up my day. About to upload a new video here in a bit. I thought I would share my core values with everyone. I make sure that I align myself with these values so I attract like minded people into my life. I am a stand for every one of these and would take a bullet for each. You can comment and share yours as well.
Faith/Religion: Belief in a Higher Power. Knowing that you can always count on The Lord for guidance. Speak out into the Universe and you will attract what it is that you want. Seek to understand before be understood. The lord will bless you if you reach out.
Family/Friends: I love and take care of those close to me. I want to bless & help them as much as I can. I want to share with them everything I know. I will be there for them when they need me. They are the people who I will love forever!
Health&Fitness: I am a stand for Health & Fitness. I am an amplifier of Motivation. I help you make strong of your natural talents. I exercise daily and am always thinking of new ideas to build a Healthier, more Attractive SexierPhysique!
Respect: To be Honored. To be shown consideration for. Express Sympathy. I give respect and likewise love to be shown for it. I admire and thank those who have mentored me and helped me make smart decisions. I surround these people in my life to grow wise so I may soon someday share my entire knowledge and be a mentor myself. I would love to give back and change the live's of others who have had dreams intentional as mine
Passion/Love - I am Loving. I am a vibrant source of radiant energy! I bring fitness to the community. I have a strong concern for others. I want to positively impact every person I meet in life. I just want to spread greatness. I am thankful for the Big Guy Upstairs for he has given me a creative gift. I plan to inspire and empower billions of lives! I will put my passion into the work I do so it is unique.
Integrity: When I say something, It's going to happen. A man who will be known for speaking his future and reality. Keep my promise. Sound, Complete & Honest.
Growth: To always want to achieve more. We either grow or regress. Keeping the mind Intrigued. If I pour in an abundance of wealth into my mind, success is but right around the corner! Self Development. Using age old principles of how things are and how things can be. Adding value to the community. Sharing with others and helping them grow as I have done. Be a role model. Teaching my success principles to achieve what you want in life. Inspiring the widespread evolution of the Human Mind & Body.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Personal Trainer Duluth: Day 1 90 Day Challenge.
If you feel you are perfect in your fitness, take it to the next level! If you are just starting follow along. Massive amounts of content is on the release. I've been think a lot lately. If content is not flowing freely from me, that just means my mind is using it's 6th sense to create!
I will only post the most in depth videos on FrankWallFitness.Com. Snipets and positive life will be availiable all over the internet. My website is the Hub for the Secrets.
I will be at Best Buy in a few hours getting a few things to launch this video extravaganza. Keep your eyes open!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life Without A Gym!
The best thing you can possibly do right now is tell 5 friends to subscribe to my content. You will bring so much positivity to your community the possibilities are endless. I want to hear from everyone. I want to know what is it that the people want.
I will guide you to roads you never thought possible. I am the light! POW! This is my first entry here. For some of you reading this for the very first time, your life is forever changed. We met for a reason. The words and thoughts that I put out to the universe correspond to what you are trying to accomplish.
Follow me on Twitter. I'll keep you updated with the latest things that I am doing! It's better than email!
There is a reason why I started using this blog today. For starters, this is one of the most exciting days ever! I am so happy! I have been very blessed to be surrounded by great people. At this point and time in my life, I'm laughing, pumped, and just super stoked at how people say that I am doing great things and I am an inspiration for them in their life.
No I'm not full of myself, but I'm just now so aware that the content, the creative energy, the vibe I sent out to the universe is answering me. I put out what I want, and I am attracting that into my life. It's that simple. I still don't know why to this day it took me so long to figure it out. But for sure I know everything happens for a reason.
I told myself I wanted to race motorcycles. So guess what I did it! Through MSP Cycles, they helped me getting started to race, getting the race bike, and taking me to my first Track Day & Race Day! I am thankful. :-)
The point of me saying that is I wanted something. So I went after it. I got it. Now my Friends and close ones are constructing the most massive online fitness communities. We want to help transform a trillion lives. Yes......A Trillion. Because and I quote "It's not about accomplishing the goal, it's the pursuit after it." When you set your mind to something, you have created a vision. If you want it bad enough, you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. I'm all about creation. I am a stand for Health & Fitness. This is my purpose in life. I will transform the lives of others through positive thought and lifestyle coaching. I am that possibility.
What is it that you want to create?