My Core Values:


Thursday, March 12, 2009

I will be the person people can admire and look up to.

It's Thursday March 12th 2009 4:33 P.M. I'm currently just rendered a video for a very special person.

I want to be a source of inspiration for everyone. If I can do it, anyone can. I'm no different from anyone else. I just utilize what God has given me to it's full potential!

I spoke with one of my clients Finn Smith. Today we talked about life and how he got to where he is. He is a successful person in the constructive industry and has a few companies. It was being blessed by God, surrounded by the right people at the right time, and his drive that got him to where he is at.

I respect him for that. It made me feel a lot better about what I have been doing. I'm striving to be my absolute very best. I don't have everything I want in life, but I know I'm on the right path to achieving those goals. I thank God today for giving me the ability to create a gift no one could ever give except for me. It's my unique twist that I put on things that makes it special.

There's a big Event at YourDay in SandySprings tonight. I'm looking forward to it. The people down there are amazing. Day Adeogba is an amazing leader. He has lot's of talent and is helping me achieve my goals. I give him much thanks.

Checkout who Day is here -->>

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